Why Register?
When you register into the TypeFocus Certification Program you are taking the first step to enhancing your professional skills in the area of personality type applications for career counseling and coaching.

As you work through the program you will develop a professional appreciation for the depth of understanding that personality type results can provide for your clients. In effect, you will become a more well-rounded practitioner.

You will also enhance your credibility with your clients and peers and open doors to networking with other Certified TypeFocus Practitioners.

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If you are a private practitioner and already MBTI certified/qualified TypeFocus assumes you know how to debrief a TypeFocus Careers client and will allow you to purchase our programs at a discount for use with your own clients (see below).

You will have to provide proof of your certification by faxing us your credentials and in turn, we will create your own TypeFocus website branded to your own name. This site will include an administrative interface that lets you customize the site to your own specifications, track your clients and provides you with descriptive statistics. The set-up fee for this service is $95.

To get started, click here and send us an email telling us a bit about yourself. Note that these emails are NOT hotlinked and you will have to enter the address manually.

Per Capita Private Practitioners Pricing Structure
Based on individual retail price of $34.95
Quantity Full Version of Careers Discount
Up to 30 $17.50 50% discount
31 - 100 $15.75 55% discount
101 - 500 $14.00 60% discount
501 - 1000 $12.25 65% discount
1001 - 2500 $10.50 70% discount
2501 - 5000 $8.75 75% discount
>5000 To be decided Call to discuss

TypeFocus Certification Program
The TypeFocus Certification Program is an online program providing a cost-effective way to upgrade your credentials. TypeFocus Practitioners enjoy the benefits of advanced training and ongoing support in personality type applications. Members can access advanced TypeFocus program features designed to support counselors and coaches in private practice.

The TypeFocus Certification Program consists of several components:
  • Guidebook with assignments
  • MBTI® Manual
  • Live webinars
  • Your own TypeFocus mentor
  • Two client debriefing sessions
  • Final interview with a TypeFocus Master Facilitator
  • Access to a moderated certification forum
The MBTI® Manual has to be borrowed or purchased.

The webinars, mentor to monitor assignments, assistance with debriefing, access to forum and final interview are only available to those participants who want to be certified as a TypeFocus Type Practitioner.

When a person becomes a Certified TypeFocus Practitioner, their contact information will be listed on our website to authenticate their standing. They will also be able to purchase any of our programs at a discount and offer their clients services through a website branded to their name.

The certification process itself will have no set time frame. To achieve certification, a person must:
  • complete all assignments,
  • debrief two clients using the TypeFocus program and
  • demonstrate their mastery of the program content via the final interview.
Mentor assistance, professional forums and live webinars are available as supports but are not requirements.

The fee for certification is $350 and some eligibility requirements exist; you can register at www.typefocus.com/certification beginning in July 15, 2011.

MBTI is a registered trademark of Consulting Psychologists Press Inc.